Inspiration Strikes

…at inappropriate times.


WIP of Lady with Birds. 

Woke up in a daze this morning around 6 o’clock and had such a vivid image in my head that I had to draw before going back to sleep. Needless to say, the going back to sleep never occurred, but at least I have another illustration to show for it.

Here is the finished product;

ART _01Have you ever had inspiration strike you at inappropriate times? Let me know what you think.

Thanks again!


Twas the night after Christmas…

Merry christmas and a Happy Holidays to everyone out there! I hope you all had a wonderful time.

I know technically its the day after the night after Christmas, but I think most people can relate when I say the hangover was still too vivid for me yesterday to write this post. I’m praying it doesn’t rear its ugly head today for round two.

So, although it is belated, the sentiment it still the same. Had such a wonderful time with all my family and respective adoptive family. Even though many of you aren’t blood, I never felt as truly blessed to have such a large amount of people who loved me and each other.

We have a bit of an untraditional Christmas where we spend Christmas day with our SO’s, Boxing Day at my Grannies, and the 29th with my Mum and husband. That just means I sneakily have another Christmas day to go.

In the meantime, let me share some spoils from my haul so far.

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Okay, technically the record player is a gift from Santa to my partner, but its pretty awesome to have around the house…

The rest all focus around photography and foxes, and were mostly from one of the four Secret Santas’ I signed up to participate in this year.

Secret Santa is great. You end up with fantastic, well thought-out gifts, you would never even think of getting yourself. And you get to share the magic by using your detective prowess and buying an perfect present for someone else.

The gifts that aren’t shown here but are probably two of my favs, are my CBT and my 2DS.

My CBT is my bike test which means I’m one step away from menacing people on the streets with my two-wheeled hog. Something I’ll probably write about here, either about having broken legs or having the best adventures of my life.

My 2DS was a surprise gift from my big brother. We don’t see each other often, but growing up always played the Pokemon games together. This was the first time in a few years I haven’t been following the series, but he decided to remedy this and get me Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. I can tell you a lot of hours will be lost to this guilty pleasure.

Probably the cheesiest and best present I received was the chance to spend so much free time with everyone just relaxing and having fun. When people wish for Christmas everyday, I don’t believe its necessarily the gifts or amazing food they’re enjoying (though don’t get me wrong, it does help!). I think its more the chance that everyone sets aside their busy lives and work schedules, and actually takes time to appreciate the people around them. I think this is something I’d like to work on all year round.

Once again, I really hope everyone had an amazing day, and I wish all of you a Happy New Year!
